Dave the Vitamin Guy – Gallstones and Kidney Stones


Gallstones and kidney stones.  They’re a pain in the…well never mind. There are four types of them. Dave the Vitamin Guy shares what you need to know about kidney stones and how to prevent them.

The most common type of kidney stones is known as calcium oxalate stones which account for around 75-85% of all kidney stones.  These are caused primarily because excess calcium accumulates in the intestines and later lodge along the urinary tract. High blood calcium levels accompanied by refined carbohydrate and sugar consumption are the cause of most calcium oxalate stones.

Uric acid stones are far less prevalent and are usually caused by high levels of uric acid in the bloodstream. High intake of animal protein is the major catalyst for their development because of the impact they have on elevating the body’s production of calcium and uric acid.

Struvite stones occur through bodily infections, bacterial or otherwise. Cystine stones are generally attributed to unbalanced bodily functions that cause abnormal amounts of the amino acid cystine to form in the bladder.

The best non supplemental remedies to take to prevent stone formation, as well as combatting them when they develop, are drinking lots of water, low sugar or sugar free cranberry juice, as well as lemon juice with water at room temperature.  The best supplements to use are aloe vera juice or soft gels, inositol (vitamin b-8), magnesium citrate, zinc, and all your B-complex vitamins.

Indoctrinating foods such as cantaloupe, apricots, and sweet potatoes are also very helpful.  However, try to avoid animal protein and sugar consumption as well as processed carbohydrates.

Fortunately, kidney stones can be easily prevented by taking a vitamin and mineral supplement, omega 3 fish oils, and/or any other essential fats. That is why only 20-25% of our population will ever get them.

Gallstones are created when our bile secretions from the liver have high levels of acid, cholesterol, and other lipoproteins. The gallstones form in the gallbladder and can move into the bile duct.

The best things to do to prevent or fight gallstones are to use aloe vera juice or alfalfa to cleanse the bloodstream and liver. Peppermint oil soft gels are essential for cleaning and maintaining the gallbladder. One effective old fashioned remedy for treating gallstones is to consume olive oil, 2 or 3 tablespoons, with a few ounces of lemon juice on an empty stomach both in the morning and evening as well.

Other supplements to help especially in preventing gallstones are fish oil, and other essential fats. Also, B complex vitamins especially high levels of inositol and choline are of immense help. Ginger is a really helpful herb to take as well as digestive enzymes.

Like kidney stones, gallstones are very easy to prevent just by taking a good multi vitamin and mineral complex in addition to omega 3 fish oils and other essential fats.

-Dave the Vitamin Guy

Check out Dave’s website at www.earthwisevitamins.com

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